Easy recipe for Italian Bolognese sauce

Bolognese sauce (or, as we call it, ragù alla Bolognese) is a rich and delicious meaty sauce typical of the city of Bologna, appreciated everywhere in Italy and abroad.

Though the traditional recipe entails a long cooking time (four hours or more), it is possible to obtain a mouthwatering result in about one hour, even less if you’re using a pressure cooker like I did 🙂 Continua a leggere

Easy and Yummy Recipe: Frittata Di Patate

Frittata di patate (potato omelette) is a quick and tasty dish, ideal in every occasion: you can have it as a main, as a side, and also as party food, since it can be also eaten cold.

  • Potatoes, 250 g / 9 oz
  • Eggs, 3
  • Grated Parmesan cheese, 2-3 tbsp
  • EVO oil, 4 tbsp
  • Salt
  • Black Pepper

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One of the best salads in the world…

Have you ever heard of a salad coming from an Island called Sicily?

For me it’s one of the best salads in the world and I would like to share with you the recipe of “Pantesca Salad” (or if you want a taste of my language too… “Insalata alla Pantesca”)!

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Everything You Need To Know About Pizza – PART II and Recipe!


Hi everybody, and welcome back!

In my last post I gave you some info on the origins of pizza, and tried to explain you what a real Italian pizza is like. If you haven’t read it yet, just click here and then come back 🙂

At the end of this post I will give you an easy recipe for home-made pizza, but first let’s get back to where we left.

A question was left unanswered in the previous post, so let’s do it now: Continua a leggere

Italian cuisine for foreigners

I Love Italian food!

Having lived abroad for a few years, I’ve got many chances to meet and confront with different cultures, but at the same time to understand my own better. I learnt soon that talking about food all the time is a peculiarity of Italians, and not – as I used to believe – of all human beings!!! Continua a leggere