Easy recipe for Italian Bolognese sauce

Bolognese sauce (or, as we call it, ragù alla Bolognese) is a rich and delicious meaty sauce typical of the city of Bologna, appreciated everywhere in Italy and abroad.

Though the traditional recipe entails a long cooking time (four hours or more), it is possible to obtain a mouthwatering result in about one hour, even less if you’re using a pressure cooker like I did 🙂 Continua a leggere

Fata Morgana tra scienza e leggenda!

E se vi dicessi che da una città del Sud Italia chiamata Reggio Calabria si riuscisse a scorgere la Fata Morgana mi prendereste per matta?

Allora leggete questo articolo e sognate insieme a me!  (english version) Continua a leggere

Morgan le Fay, the mirage of Sicily

What if I’d tell you that from a South Italian city called Reggio Calabria it is possible to catch sight of Morgan le Fay? Would you think I’m crazy?

Just read this article and dream with me! Continua a leggere

Easy and Yummy Recipe: Frittata Di Patate

Frittata di patate (potato omelette) is a quick and tasty dish, ideal in every occasion: you can have it as a main, as a side, and also as party food, since it can be also eaten cold.

  • Potatoes, 250 g / 9 oz
  • Eggs, 3
  • Grated Parmesan cheese, 2-3 tbsp
  • EVO oil, 4 tbsp
  • Salt
  • Black Pepper

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Walking in Milan between fashion week & shopping

Milano always offers many opportunities for a fashion blogger, as well as for fashion, culture and art lovers. All is closely linked and floating in Milan’s  lively city, centre of all the fashion events, let’s take handfuls of that atmosphere!

This post will be a little diary of the past few days in Milan during the fashion week events. Impressions and suggestions from the fashion background, seen and perceived into this world, from me to you.

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One of the best salads in the world…

Have you ever heard of a salad coming from an Island called Sicily?

For me it’s one of the best salads in the world and I would like to share with you the recipe of “Pantesca Salad” (or if you want a taste of my language too… “Insalata alla Pantesca”)!

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