Easy recipe for Italian Bolognese sauce

Bolognese sauce (or, as we call it, ragù alla Bolognese) is a rich and delicious meaty sauce typical of the city of Bologna, appreciated everywhere in Italy and abroad.

Though the traditional recipe entails a long cooking time (four hours or more), it is possible to obtain a mouthwatering result in about one hour, even less if you’re using a pressure cooker like I did 🙂 Continua a leggere

Easy and Yummy Recipe: Frittata Di Patate

Frittata di patate (potato omelette) is a quick and tasty dish, ideal in every occasion: you can have it as a main, as a side, and also as party food, since it can be also eaten cold.

  • Potatoes, 250 g / 9 oz
  • Eggs, 3
  • Grated Parmesan cheese, 2-3 tbsp
  • EVO oil, 4 tbsp
  • Salt
  • Black Pepper

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One of the best salads in the world…

Have you ever heard of a salad coming from an Island called Sicily?

For me it’s one of the best salads in the world and I would like to share with you the recipe of “Pantesca Salad” (or if you want a taste of my language too… “Insalata alla Pantesca”)!

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The 13 street foods you must eat in Italy

After talking so much about pizza in my last posts, I thought it would be nice to explore the topic of Italian street food.

Pizza is one of the foods you can find all over Italy, either in pizzerie or rosticcerie (places that sell pizza and other baked or fried things), but that’s more to Italian street food than that.

Italian regional cuisines are very rich and developed, this means that each area offers a variety of typical dishes that cannot be found in other parts of Italy. This is also true when it comes to street food.

So, without wanting to be thorough, I’m going to try and give you a glimpse of a few, delightful options when it comes to grab a bite in Italy: Continua a leggere

Everything You Need To Know About Pizza – PART II and Recipe!


Hi everybody, and welcome back!

In my last post I gave you some info on the origins of pizza, and tried to explain you what a real Italian pizza is like. If you haven’t read it yet, just click here and then come back 🙂

At the end of this post I will give you an easy recipe for home-made pizza, but first let’s get back to where we left.

A question was left unanswered in the previous post, so let’s do it now: Continua a leggere

Everything You Need To Know About Pizza – PART I

Pizza is surely one of the first things that come to mind when thinking about Italy. Of course it is, since we are talking about a delicious dish loved by Italians and appreciated all over the World.

That’s why I decided to celebrate it (yes, I really do love pizza!) and write this long and comprehensive post only about it.

I realised there’s a lot to say if I want to give you a real taste of Italian culture, and I’ll also give you info that is useful if you actually visit Italy, like where and what to eat!

So, let’s start immediately with…

BLA Continua a leggere

4 Italian pasta condiments ready in 10 minutes (or less)

SalseWelcome back to our foodie talk!

In my last post I gave you detailed instructions to cook pasta to perfection, I hope that helped!

Now it’s time to take another step: you need something to add to your pasta. Continua a leggere

Tag #ABC of happiness


Thanks to Chiara for this tag and Ladimoradelpensiero for creating it!

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#The baton of cinema

Pangurina9 thank for making my name and I invite you to visit her post;)  

This is the tag “the baton of cinema” and was designed by Eleanor Panzeri, I will leave her link: le infinite vie di un’autrice

Simple rules to follow are:

– Mention the designer of the tags and thank those who have delivered

– Writing a quote from a movie that we carry in the heart

– Invite 5 other  bloggers to do the same

One of my favorite movies is “Dead poets society”, I think that is a masterpiece!

Robin Williams is… actually, was (cannot get used to the idea that he is no longer with us) an amazing actor, able to tap into the heart of anyone.

Every time I see one of his films I burst into tears from the emotion or I laugh until I cry! :p

I think for anyone who has embarked the exciting enterprise to express their thoughts and passions on a blog, no quote is appropriate… I think that nothing is easy and even if life doesn’t go as we would like, although everything we do seems an uphill climb, even if we feel the only ones to think in a certain way we must always remember that …

l'attimo fugg

Le mie nominations sono (my nominations are):







10 easy steps to cook perfect pasta

PASTA SIPARIOAs promised in my previous post, Italian cuisine for foreigners, here I am to share with you some useful tips to cook Italian food as Italians do! I wasn’t quite sure where to begin, but then I realised that in order to start posting recipes, I have to make sure first that the basics are clear. And I remembered seeing more than one person making huge mistakes when experimenting with pasta, and then wondering why their pasta didn’t taste like mine. In my next post I will give you ideas on how to make delicious sauces, I’m sure by then you will have mastered the “art” of cooking pasta. Continua a leggere